
Love Letter No:10 Kadınlar, eşitlik

Love Letter No:10 Kadınlar, eşitlik

“Biz Dünya'nın bir parçasıyız ve Dünya'ya bağlıyız.  Bu nedenle, ormandaki bir ağaç gibi hiyerarşimiz yok ,küçük bir çalı da var olmak.  Yaşamak ve birbirimize yardım etmek için aynı haklara sahibiz." Vandana Shiva   İnsanlık ayrım yapmayı bırakacak ve ilerleyebilecek mi?  Kadın olmanın modada sürdürülebilirlik ile bir alakası var mı? Neden kadını güçlendirme konusu gündemde? Yaratılmak istenen mesele ne ve aslında kadının moda dünyasında ki yeri nerde?  Kadın, cinsiyet, eşitlik, zaman içinde değişenler, kadın ne zaman sektöre girdi ve neden ayrılmak zorunda kaldı. Birbirinden farklı gibi gözüken bu temalar (cinsiyet, eşitlik ve zaman)  hepsi bir arada olduğu zaman sürdürülebilirlikten bahsedebiliriz. Hızlı...

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Interview with Save Your Wardrobe

Interview with Save Your Wardrobe

Interview with Roksan Sarfati, Founder and Creative Director of Màh-roc. “If we don’t start to address the negative impacts of the fashion industry soon, we’re not going to have an industry in the future.” When Roksan came back to Turkey in 2016 after graduating from Fashion Design in Italy, she started working in the Fast Fashion textile industry. She was constantly travelling to different countries and had gradually more opportunities to get closer to the production processes and see from her own eyes the ways in which fast fashion garments were produced. Both the environment and negative impact of the...

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September Issue

September Issue

Don't you feel confused?We are in September with lots of thoughts and emotions. In a real sense, September is a very important month for the fashion world.  We are here with September Issue, which is the milestone of fashion that refreshes our eyes and souls and pioneers a brand new season, when we are tired of collections that have gained the title of "old" in six months! For most of us working in the fashion industry, September is the beginning of the new year rather than January. Because the seasons we consume fast have gained a brand new look with the vision of...

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So what is this transparency?

So what is this transparency?

This week we are asking ourselves what transparency and ethical fashion really is, for understanding better. It's kinda strange that we find similar answers to our inquiry. Fashion transparency is all about the brands making their production processes clearly and sharing everything from design to final product. ''As the destructive effects of fast fashion created by production and consumption strategies become visible, it has led to the adoption of an ethical and ecological design approach that allows fashion to be redefined. Thus, ethical fashion has developed creative discourses such as 'Slow Fashion Movement' and has a structure that glorifies local...

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